
I’m Rafi; I live in Toronto and work in digital strategy.

This is my personal website. It's primarily an archive of my blog posts, music writing and personal projects. I mostly write about records I like; some of those writings have been compiled into issues of GLIDER, an independent magazine I publish.

I’m currently finding most of my new music via Bandcamp, Youtube and my local record stores. Bandcamp has a great selection of independent artists and lets users support bands directly by buying physical merchandise on top of digital music downloads. I don’t use Spotify; it’s missing a lot of the artists I listen to. Sometimes there are albums that are available, but later they’ve disappear without explanation. In my opinion, that’s not good enough. I should be able to purchase and download a permanent copy that’s mine, rather than be subject to the whims of the platform.

At some point, I'll add more work/professional stuff here.

Thanks for checking out the site!

About this Site

This site is built using Pico CMS. I use the Bootstrap grid for layout, but don't expect the site to look particularly consistent from page to page. It's a personal site after all; if I wanted something other than full customizability, I'd have gone with a Wordpress theme!