Adding Media

Link to another Page

An easier way to do this is to open the linked page in your browser directly, and copy the page path in the address bar, and paste it into the link you created. Remember, every MD file in a folder that has frontmatter/properties will immediately be accessible as a web page in the site navigation.

Note that the double-bracketed [[backlinks]]-style internal link structure in tools like Obsidian and Logseq won't work as links as they don't translate to standard Markdown link syntax.

Add Images into a Page

When using Obsidian:

Other Markdown Apps: You can manually link to an image stored in the 'assets' folder by using the following Markdown:

![image name](%assets_url%/image.jpg)

NOTE: In both cases, the image will not be visible in your Folderbase view unless your 'header.twig' fle includes the following code snippet:

<base href="http://localhost:8888/folderbase/" target="_self">

You may need to change the URL if the port number of your server app is something other than 8888.

Add a Moodboard:

If you are creating a page that contains only images (no text, just inline Markdown image links ), set the page properties/YAML as follows:

title: My Cool Moodboard template: moodboard

Note that the value of the 'template' property has been changed from 'page' to 'moodboard'. Now, you can add in as many image links as you like into your Markdown file; FolderBase will display them all in a masonry-style layout.

Add a Thumbnail Image

if you want your pages to have a thumbnail image that appears in the subfolder view, edit the frontmatter item 'image', to add a link to the image. For example, as image.jpg was saved to your assets folder, the image can be displayed as a thumbnail by filling in .md file properties as follows: http://localhost:8888/folderbase/assets/image.jpg

title: Name of My Folder template: home-subpage image: %assets_url%/image.jpg

Add Audio/Video

You can use HTML markup in your MD file to insert audio or video files:

-- AUDIO -- <audio controls> <source src="%assets_url%/horse.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> <source src="%assets_url%/horse.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"> </audio> --VIDEO-- <video> <source src="%assets_url%/movie.mp4" type="video/mp4"> <source src="%assets_url%/movie.webm" type="video/webm"> </video>