

FolderBase Setup

A sample notes folder is included with this package, to show how FolderBase works.
Setting up has 3 main steps:

  1. Activating a local web server app on your device and moving the unzipped FolderBase folder into \htdocs or whatever the local server root folder is
  2. Add an index.md file to each subfolder root, with the following YAML frontmatter: title: 'My Subfolder Name' and template: home-subpage.
  3. Add the same YAML to each page you want to be indexed in Folderbase. More details here

Activate a Local Web Server

Download a local web server app, and move the Folderbase package into the server root folder.

Start an Apache or lightttpd server that's running PHP 7.3 or higher.

The sample folder should now be immediately viewable as a website if you open your browser and navigate to the following address:

Note that the IP address (192.168.....) and network port (8888) may be different. Use the values shown in the server app.

If you're able to view the website, you have everything you need to start using FolderBase with your own notes!

Formatting Notes for FolderBase

Download and unzip the FolderBase package on Github Navigate to the /content/main subfolder. You'll notice that the Markdown files have frontmatter at the very top, such as:

			 	title: 'Welcome'
			 	template: page

This is required for every Markdown file for it to be accessible inside Folderbase. Additional properties can be used as well; these are optional.

			 	date: 2023-12-31
			 	image: %assets_url%/path/image.jpg
			 	tags: webdev, js

Note that optional properties can exist without a value, such as tags: . You can create a Markdown template in Obsidian or Markor with the frontmatter properties already set. This will make it easier to quickly start taking notes and ensure it's all viewable inside FolderBase.

Note: use single quotation marks in the title: property if your title has special characters such as colons, pipes, apostrophes etc. Otherwise the quotation marks won't be needed.

Next Steps

Now that you have the digital garden up and running, it's time to make it your own. Read this article to learn about how you can structure and lay out your notes:

Page Layout